
Why is Athletic Talent Correlated with IQ?

Everyone understands that physical training helps you get a slim physique, but only a few scientists and people know that it also helps you grow your intelligence. Sport has been extensively studied for many years, and there is plenty of evidence that it benefits not only the body but also the human brain. Even more intriguing is the link between athletic ability and IQ level – Cerebrumiq reviews are confident.

Unobvious Correlation

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, examined the brain activity of 38 healthy individuals before and after exercise. The brain’s glutamic and gamma-aminobutyric acid levels rose after 20 minutes of strenuous exercise. These acids are connected to systems that control key indications such as memory and mood. Amino acid concentrations might be evaluated for 30 minutes following exercise. Regular exercise led to greater levels of glutamic and gamma-aminobutyric acids. This implies that regular exercise can contribute to long-term gains in mental function (particularly memory) and mood.

Sports Develops Memory

The brain, like other muscles, requires exercise. Cardio activity is thought to trigger the process of producing new neurons in the hippocampus, the brain region responsible for memory, learning, and emotions. So, the more frequently you exercise, the simpler it is to absorb and recall new knowledge. Cerebrumiq reviews agree that sports beginning in infancy can assist in creating a stronger memory and even impact IQ levels.

Exercise boosts serotonin synthesis and increases oxygen flow to the brain, which improves the capacity to think clearly and creatively. Interestingly, the creative high occurs immediately following an exercise and lasts for several hours. Furthermore, physically active persons are more likely to generate novel ideas than their sedentary counterparts. Physical activity helps the brain develop executive processes such as consistency, working memory, and prioritizing.

The Effect of Sports on Mood

Regular exercise has also been shown to increase the pain threshold and reorganize the structure of the brain, assisting it in fighting stress and fatigue. People who participate in sports report higher levels of happiness than those who prefer a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise promotes emotional balance, lowers anxiety, and increases cognitive flexibility.

Researchers at the University of Illinois believe that regular exercise expands the brain. Their subjects worked out for six months, with one group doing aerobics and the other stretching. After six months, the aerobics group had increased brain volume, as well as gray and white matter content. Such changes were not observed among those who stretched.

Sports and the Brain

If we conduct a comparative analysis of some sports, we can see how they affect a person’s mental abilities:


This mobile game is frequently referred to as “chess in motion”. A tennis player must be able to anticipate his opponent’s action; he has only a fraction of a second to assess and understand the trajectory of the ball.

Team sports

Team sports promote analytical thinking and responsiveness. And the complex coordination of movements in team games improves concentration.

Long-distance Running and Golf

These various sports have one thing in common: they promote strategic thinking. Otherwise, how can you endure a journey of several dozen kilometers or find the “right” hole?


Many people begin practicing yoga to learn not only how to master and understand their bodies, but also how to balance their thoughts and emotions. Cerebrumiq reviews explain that Yoga teaches you to focus on what is important and discard the unnecessary, which is a very useful skill in today’s turbulent world. And a calm mind is unquestionably the key to success in any endeavor.


All exercises that require you to move and think at the same time are excellent for developing your working memory, which allows you to quickly apply what you learn.

Swimming, Cycling, and other cardiovascular activities

In addition to developing all muscle groups and body endurance, practicing these sports increases the speed of blood flow in the body, allowing blood saturated with oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to reach the brain more quickly. Any aerobic exercise stimulates all areas of the brain and aids in memory formation.

Silk training

Any form of strength training stimulates the brain’s prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for complex thinking, multitasking, and finding the right arguments to defend your position. Strength training is now popular among both men and women.


Cerebrumiq reviews hope this article has dispelled some silly myths about athletes’ low intellectual abilities. It is not necessary to become an Olympic champion to promote the harmonious development of body and mind; sometimes simply running in the morning or not skipping gym sessions is sufficient.

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